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Policies and documents related to our school.

School Policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies and documents for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.

If you would like a paper copy (or any other format) of any of our documents on our website please speak to the school office, who will provide them to you free of charge.

Document list

Document NameDate
Accessibility plan2024-25View
Admissions Policy2025-26View
Admissions Policy2024-25View
Anti-Bullying Policy2024-25View
Behaviour Policy2024-25View
Charging and Remissions Policy2024-25View
Complaints Policy2024-25View
Equalities Policy2024-25View
GDPR Policy (Data protection)2024-25View
GDPR Privacy Notice Pupil and Parent2024-25View
GDPR Privacy Notice Governors, Trustees and Volunteers2024-25View
Remote Education Policy2024-25View
RHE Policy2024-25View
Safeguarding Policy2024-25View
SEND Policy2024-25View
SEND Information Report2024-25View
Whistleblowing Policy2024-25View

| Page Views | 964

Updated | 29th January, 2025 |

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School Sports

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KS2 Science

Year 5 have been investigating thermal conductors and insulators by getting their hands on a range of materials and exploring the properties of each one.
