Vision, Values, Ethos & Mission
A statement on our schools ethos and values.
As our School Mission Statement states: St Mary’s aims to develop the talents of each pupil as a unique individual whose full potential can be developed in a community which has Christ at its centre. As a thriving Catholic Christian school community, we have a unique and privileged position in living out this Mission: facilitating outstanding learning opportunities for our pupils; promoting values of empathy, tolerance and respect; being a living embodiment of ‘Church’ for our wider school community.
Be who God means you to be and you will set the world on fire.
A Vision of Growth from St Catherine of Siena
The vision of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is as a hub of excellence in all we do: educational excellence in our Teaching and Learning, in the formative faith experiences we help facilitate for our pupils and wider school family, and in the way in which we strive to build God’s Kingdom in our local and global community, piece by piece. By each member of our school family being encouraged, supported and inspired to live and work to the absolute fullness of their potential, our school will continue to be a beacon of educational, spiritual and community excellence for all to see.
As a community dedicated to excellence and growth in all we do, we commit to be the absolute best we can be. As a learning community, we have the highest expectations of our pupils, and as such, hold ourselves to account by the highest standards. Our home school partnership aims to outline the commitments we make to one another, in order that we may best meet the needs of all pupils in our school. As a learning community, we strive to work as closely as possible with the parents and carers of our young people, as initial educators, to support and encourage educational, social, moral, physical and spiritual growth and development. Through choosing the family of St Mary’s for your child’s education, you are choosing to enter into a partnership which strives to support, encourage, empathise and enable, and one of which we hope to all be proud.
In order that we may achieve this ethos within our school and the wider community that we serve, there are a number of values and principles which guide our actions in school.
First and foremost are the values that are at the heart of the Gospels:
It is clear to see that these are also supportive of the values of the modern British Society in which we live:
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Updated | 15th May, 2024 |
Footballing success continues at St Mary’s with our Y4/5 girls bringing home silvermedals from the Gateshead Schools Sports Partnership ‘Girls United’ event! We are so proud of their achievement and wonderful team spirit! #WeAreStMarys #KeepMovingForward #LetGirlsPlay #girlsfootballinschools
Published: September 28, 2024
The Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust is an exempt charity. It is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 07890590. The registered office address is Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education HQ, Barmston Court, Turbine Business Park, Nissan Way, Washington, SR5 3NY.
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