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News Archive

An archive of our school news posts.

School Sports

Thanks to the Gateshead Schools Sports Partnership for a fantastic afternoon of running, aiming, balancing, throwing, jumping and so much more at the EYFS Mulit-Sport festival. Reception had great fun! #wearestmarys

School Sports

Footballing success continues at St Mary’s with our Y4/5 girls bringing home silvermedals from the Gateshead Schools Sports Partnership ‘Girls United’ event! We are so proud of their achievement and wonderful team spirit! #WeAreStMarys #KeepMovingForward #LetGirlsPlay #girlsfootballinschools

KS2 Science

Year 5 have been investigating thermal conductors and insulators by getting their hands on a range of materials and exploring the properties of each one.


Year 2 have been reflecting on the words of Psalm 19 to praise God for all of the wonders of creation. They wrote their own responses to this special Psalm to celebrate the wonderful gifts that a new day brings us.

KS2 Personal Development

Year 4 have been lucky enough to have a visit from the Tyne and Wear Fire Service as part of their PSHE curriculum. Our visitors told us all about how to identify hazards in our home and precautions we can take to prevent fires. We also discussed what to do in the event of an […]

KS2 Science

In science, Year 4 have been learning about the states of matter. They took their learning outdoors and had a go at being particles demonstrating the particle formation of the different states. Can you guess which is which?

Mini and Junior Great North Run

Congratulations to everyone who took part in the Mini and Junior Great North Runs! One of our pupils even had a 2nd place trophy from the Mini Run! What an effort by everyone! #WeAreStMarys #KeepMovingForward

KS1 and 2 French

Pupils across school enjoyed a wonderful celebration of their language learning this week. We love our French lessons at Sr Mary’s and it was fantastic to get the opportunity to put some of learning in to practice as we visited ‘Le Petit Café Sainte-Marie’ to sample some traditional French breakfast staples, played some games of […]

School Sports

St Mary’s pupils displayed amazing skill, determination, resilience, teamwork and fair play representing the school at the annual Gateshead School Sports Partnership Athletics Festival at the Gateshead International Stadium on Friday. The pupils were wonderful ambassadors for the school, and – in spite of the weather affecting some of the later action – a wonderful […]

KS1 Design Technology

As part of the Year 2 Moving Mechanisms DT topic, pupils worked really hard to design and make their own model fire engines. The objective was to learn about moving parts such as wheels and axles. This learning linked to the current exciting Year 2 topic of the Great Fire of Gateshead and Newcastle. For […]

Fundamental British Values at St Mary’s

Pupils across school have spent the week learning about a range of world faiths alongside as part of our Religious Education. They know that tolerance of others’ faiths and beliefs is an essential value within British society.

Knock Residential 2024

Year 6 had an amazing time on their residential visit to Knock Christian Centre for a week of outward bounds lead by our good friends Mal and Marion Tabb and team from Canoes, Mountains and Caves CIC. You can see a selection of photos and videos from the trip on our X feed: St Mary’s […]

KS1 and 2 RE

Pupils across school partied in style to celebrate the ‘Birthday of the Church’: the Feast of Pentecost, bringing to life learning from their recent RE topic and living the Liturgical seasons of the Church.

School Sports

Goals galore for the St Mary’s team in the Blaydon and District League last night! The girls were outstanding and played some fantastic football, working incredibly well as a team. Well done!

KS2 English

In English, Year 5 have worked incredibly hard while writing their biographies all about Frida Kahlo. They look – and sound – amazing and the children are so proud!

KS2 History

Year 4 have had a fantastic day at the Oriental Museum. The children saw TWO real-life mummies & were able to handle Ancient Egyptian artefacts (some of which were over 2,000 years old!). The museum is free & well worth a visit – it has our seal of approval!

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Updated | 28th September, 2024 |
