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School Meals

Menu and catering information about our school.

At St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, we support our parents who would like their children to live a healthy lifestyle and we understand how the right nutrients can help your child’s mood, their health and their ability to concentrate in lessons.  For those parents who wish their children to have a cooked meal at lunchtime, through Gateshead City Council School Meals Services, we provide a carefully developed menu to appeal to children and provide the perfect balance of essential nutrients, cooked on-onsite from fresh, seasonal and locally sourced ingredients.

The cost of the meal is currently £2.85 per day and meals can be paid for via your school online Arbor account.

Free School Meals

To find out if you qualify for free school meals under the means-tested scheme, please click here

If you do qualify for free school meals, even if your child is in receipt of Universal Free School Meals, please apply online here

Universal Free School Meals

Every child in Key Stage 1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) is entitled to a free school meal under the government’s universal infant free school meal scheme regardless of their circumstances.

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Updated | 6th December, 2024 |

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