School Uniform
School uniform requirements for our school.
At St Mary’s, we believe that high standards in dress and appearance support pupils to be more successful, and ultimately happy, at school. The Department for Education strongly encourages schools to have a school uniform. This page sets out the school’s policy and approach on uniform and confirms the school’s commitment to providing value for money to parents and ensuring that no pupil is discriminated against due to their gender, disability, religion or belief, economic circumstances or social and cultural background.
The school uniform helps ensure that pupils of all races and backgrounds feel welcome. It protects pupils from social pressures to dress in a particular way and nurtures cohesion, promoting good relations between different groups of pupils.
This policy follows the DfE statutory guidance, ‘Cost of School Uniforms’, published November 2021 and takes account of the non-statutory guidance, ‘School Uniforms’, published June 2023.
Our policy is based on the notion that a school uniform:
All decisions on dress-code and uniform will be made in line with school policy and at the discretion of the Headteacher.
Item | O/R | B/G | Season Specific |
Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan embroidered with school logo | R | B | N |
Pale blue polo shirt embroidered with school logo | R | B | N |
Black/grey trousers or navy blue skirt/pinafore | R | G | N |
Blue checked dress | O | G | summer term |
Black/grey shorts | O | G | summer term |
Black school shoes | R | G | N |
On PE days, children should come to school in the PE kit which comprises of:
Item | O/R | B/G | Season Specific |
Royal blue shorts or navy tracksuit/jogging bottoms (no leggings or cycling shorts) | R | G | N |
Yellow PE t-shirt embroidered with school logo | R | B | N |
Royal blue PE hoodie embroidered with school logo | R | B | N |
Trainers (no plimsolls) | R | G | N |
St Mary’s uniform (embroidered sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts, PE kit, fleeces and coats) is available through our school supplier Salto UK, who can be contacted at:
Salto UK Limited, Unit 3D Princess Court, Princess Way, Prudhoe, Northumberland , NE42 6PL
Contact Telephone: 01661 835240
To reduce costs to parents, the school keeps a stock of donated second hand uniform and encourages parents to pass on uniform that their child has grown out of. Pre-loved uniform is available on request (please speak to a member of the office staff).
School shoes (for both boys and girls) should be:
For clarity, the following would not be deemed suitable for school:
Jewellery (apart from a watch) and make-up (including nail varnish and acrylic nails) should not be worn in school. Earrings are not permitted at any time (as a matter of health and safety) and should be taken out before the start of the school day – even if you choose to have your child’s ears pierced during the school term.
Hair should be neat and tidy. Shoulder-length hair (girls and boys) must be tied back in a pony-tail. Hair should be kept out of children’s eyes. Excessive adornments of hair (large bows, over-the-top hair bands etc) and braids, as well as any form of semi-permanent or permanent dyes, are also not permitted.
For boys, cropped hair must be no shorter than a grade 3; ‘tramlines’ or other shaved designs are not permitted.
In choosing a school that promotes school uniform, the governors expect that parents will support the school when they enforce the policy.
We thank you for your cooperation with this.
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Updated | 25th June, 2024 |
Footballing success continues at St Mary’s with our Y4/5 girls bringing home silvermedals from the Gateshead Schools Sports Partnership ‘Girls United’ event! We are so proud of their achievement and wonderful team spirit! #WeAreStMarys #KeepMovingForward #LetGirlsPlay #girlsfootballinschools
Published: September 28, 2024
The Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust is an exempt charity. It is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 07890590. The registered office address is Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education HQ, Barmston Court, Turbine Business Park, Nissan Way, Washington, SR5 3NY.
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