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Staff List

Staffing information and structure at our school.

Teaching Staff

NameJob Title
Mr WheatleyHeadteacher & DSL
Mrs SandersonDeputy Headteacher, SENDCo, DSL & Year 1 Class Teacher
Mrs JoyceReception Class Teacher
Miss MillicanYear 2 Class Teacher
Mr CocklingYear 3 Class Teacher
Miss BeadlingYear 4 Class Teacher
Miss RiddellYear 5 Class Teacher
Mr CollingYear 6 Class Teacher
Mrs InnerdaleFrench Teacher

Teaching Assistants

NameJob Title
Mrs DobsonHLTA
Mrs EdenHLTA
Mrs ShentonTA
Mrs AhmedTA

Support Staff

NameJob Title
Miss FosterSchool Business Manager
Miss MorrisonSenior Administrator
Mr GrayCaretaker
Mrs WelshKitchen Manager
Mrs McGuirkLunchtime Supervisor

| Page Views | 1729

Updated | 8th January, 2025 |

Latest News

School Sports

Thanks to the Gateshead Schools Sports Partnership for a fantastic afternoon of running, aiming, balancing, throwing, jumping and so much more at the EYFS Mulit-Sport festival. Reception had great fun! #wearestmarys

School Sports

Footballing success continues at St Mary’s with our Y4/5 girls bringing home silvermedals from the Gateshead Schools Sports Partnership ‘Girls United’ event! We are so proud of their achievement and wonderful team spirit! #WeAreStMarys #KeepMovingForward #LetGirlsPlay #girlsfootballinschools

KS2 Science

Year 5 have been investigating thermal conductors and insulators by getting their hands on a range of materials and exploring the properties of each one.
